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SHORT : Buttons for all your AmIRC Clients.
AUTHOR : dtbecker@ptd.net (Donald T. Becker)
UPLOADER : dtbecker@ptd.net (Donald T. Becker)
TYPE : comm/tcp
VERSION: : $VER: MCF_Buttons.readme 5.0.7 (16.04.97)
Are you tired of all the buttons on your AmIRC
UserList Window? With "MCF_Buttons", you can now say
goodbye to all those buttons. MCF_Buttons creates a
seperate window with many standard function buttons and
allows for many User configurable function buttons to be
added. This 1 window can interface to all 9 possible
AmIRC MSGPorts. This means, 1 Buttons window for all
running AmIRC Clients.
Also included with MCF_Buttons is MCF_WWW.
This will allow you to goto an URL that you doubleclick
in the URL Grabber Window or an URL that you snapshot
in any of the AmIRC Windows.
New to 5.0.7:
User defined Help Text for each Button is now
enterable by placing help text between /h and h/
which is to be placed immediately before the
Button's Function definition.
If MCF_Buttons fails to start due to an Open MUI
Port, start MCF_Buttons with x as a command
line argument. This should close the MUI Port
and allow MCF_Buttons to Re-start correctly.
NOTICE: It takes longer for MCF_Buttons window
to appear when User Defined Help Text is coded
in the MCF.Buttons file.
New to 5.0.6:
Archive now has PlugIn Utility for maintaining
your MCF.Buttons file with Buttons available
for other software.
New to 5.0.5:
New page of buttons added for use with Phoenix,
version 1.22 and many work with 1.21.
Added /PREFS button on WildText Page.
A default MUI prefs file for MCF_Buttons has
been included.
New to 5.0.4:
Size of MCF_Buttons.AMIRX has been reduced by 6K
as well as having the programmed limits removed.
Number of Frames and Buttons should now only be
limitted bye MUI and MUIRexx.
Better WWW Config instructions.
New Menu option that allows reloading of newly
editted MCF.Buttons file without having to
Quit and ReStart MCF_Buttons.